I am an ardent fan of Irish proverbs and carry dozens of them in my mind. This one, though, I think needs just a bit of tweaking to help us harvest its dose of encouragement.

Tell us in the comments:

1. What is one identity that you think our society regards with a fixed mindset and which CAN, in fact, be learned and practiced? 2. What is one new identity – artist, poet, financially responsible person, early riser, etc. – that you would like to practice?

Thank you so much for your comments, my friends. I can’t wait to hear what you think!

TODAY’S PROVERB Trí ní nach féidir a mhúineadh: guth, féile, agus filíocht. Three things that can’t be taught: (singing) voice, generosity, and poetry.

If you like Irish proverbs, here’s a link to my growing playlist of proverb teaching and discussion. Just click HERE.