Here’s what I know about you.
You’re a learner. You’re a pursuer of mysteries. You believe in possibilities. You love growth and flourishing and you passionately desire that for yourself and for others, too. For everyone!
You’re an artist. Maybe you’re not ready to use that word yet, but what you will say is that you feel things deeply, that ideas and ideals matter a great deal to you, and that there are things you want to express.
When it comes to learning, you don’t want to sacrifice your heart to your head – or the other way round, either. You want to integrate all that you are in all that you do. You want to grow in your own unique way, to follow your own path. You’re open to support and encouragement even as you know the path is your own.
You know that learning can be the most exciting adventure in the world.
If you recognize yourself in these words, you’re in the right place.
What is the Bardic Academy?
The Bardic Academy is a school for musicians, singers, writers, young scholars, and people interested in developing their innate artistry.
The Bardic Academy fosters a unique approach to the arts and artistry by emphasizing the heart and the imagination, allowing technique, skill, and confidence to take root and to bloom.
What makes the school “bardic” is the aim of integrating the whole person in the art and the art in the whole person.
One medieval Irish text announces, “He is no poet who does not synthesize all the tales.” To me, that means that our work as artists is to see and participate in a larger wholeness – one that encompasses the self, the work of art, and the whole world.
I believe that art-making, music, poetry, storytelling, and scholarship are the fruits of our work, but the real work is building self-trust and the ability to hear your own guidance. Art comes from that place and so does other great stuff: intuition, confidence, and the energy to move forwards with our lives.
So while I certainly teach concrete skills and techniques, repertoire and genre, what I am really guiding my students to do is to develop a powerful, loving, trusting self. Every part of our lives is affected when we learn this way. We grow more adventurous, more curious, more confident and more eager about participating fully in our lives.
The school serves students age 6 and up. It is never too late or too early to begin learning!
The main value of The Bardic Academy is
What can you do in The Bardic Academy?
- Sing with JOY and confidence
- Learn to play harp or piano
- Write the poems or the book you’ve longed to write
- Rock your application essay
- Give your child a fantastic advantage through one-on-one learning with me
Click on the bullet-points above for more information about: Music Lessons, Writing Help, and Mentoring for Young Scholars.
Enjoy, learn, grow, and open paths of opportunity, expansion, and delight.
Why is it called The Bardic Academy?
The Bards of early Ireland were steeped in words and music, deep learning and scholarship, artistry and enchantment.
Their creativity shaped destinies and influenced the world around them.
Their honor price was higher than any other skilled noble person’s, and they alone possessed the right to travel freely.
In art and scholarship, we become like them.
We become travelers.
We become endowed with the right to explore and to express.
We become lightning-rods for inspiration and influence.
Even today, the ability to wield words and to weave music can change the world.
Without a doubt, it can certainly change YOU.
The Bardic Academy Calendar
12 September 2022 – 15 June 2023
Studio hours: Monday and Tuesday, 10-6:30 pm; Thursday, 10-6:00 pm
Closed for Thanksgiving Break: 21 November – 27 November 2022
Closed for Winter Break: 19 December 2022 – 8 January 2023
Closed for February Vacation: 20 February – 26 February 2023
Closed for April Vacation: 17 April – 23 April 2023
Closed for May Holiday: 16 May (this only affects Tuesday lessons)
Make-up Lesson Week: 12 June – 15 June 2023
Summer Holiday with lessons by special arrangement: 19 June –11 September 2023
Special Events
Fall Creators’ Lab: Saturday, 22 October 2022, 10-12 am (online)
Winter Holiday Concert: Saturday, 17 December 2022, 11am – 1 pm (online/TBA)
Spring Creators’ Lab: Saturday, 25 March 2023, 10-12 am (online)
Student Recital: Sunday, 11 June 2023, 2-4 pm (online/TBA)

He loves the lessons and looks forward to it each week. He really enjoys learning with you, and he practices at home frequently on the keyboard. Thank you for helping him to be a well rounded young man!
Working with Kate is fun, first and foremost. Her love of music is infectious, and creates a supportive and joyful atmosphere, where you can safely explore your musical challenges.