School Programs
Lively, language-rich programs for students grades 4-12 that get kids singing, creating, enjoying, and absorbing language and culture on every level.
Every program is custom-made for your school and your class’s needs, but all of them involve these elements:
rich and enlivening language, poetry, song, story, participation, harp, flute, and whistles.
Poetry and the Power of Language
A hands-on program that can be adapted for students grades 4 – 12.
To encourage young people to take ownership of language and creativity, to create and share poetry, stories, and their own perspectives, and to expose them to a culture in which stories, poems, and songs are highly prized and contribute to a sense of artistic community.
The program is fast-moving and dynamic, weaving together presentation and participation. Students are invited and encouraged to sing, to speak, to recite, and to create, and the energy in the room is high!
The program includes:
- Irish traditional songs and stories about poets and the importance of using your voice and sharing your stories
- The opportunity to sing with harp accompaniment
- An exercise in poetry memorization
- Exercises that feature group poem-making.
45 or 60 minutes, depending on grade-level and time available. The program can be extended with opportunities for guided storytelling (with exercises and coaching) and small-group poetry and/or story-making workshops.
- English grammar: parts of speech
- Irish culture
- Storytelling etiquette
- Methods of poem-making
- Memorization
- Vocabulary and distinction between similar words
- Courage, creativity, and resilience
To discuss a program for your school, as well as rates and schedule, please contact me directly: