Welcome back for the third week of our Poetry Celebration!

In today’s video, you’ll hear some poems from our wonderful community of poets; you’ll hear poems from Wes McNair, former Maine Poet Laureate and a teacher who has inspired me a great deal; you’ll be invited to send your questions to Grace and Zsuzsanna, the makers of the exquisite Jumping Fox Design journals; and I share my own praise poem inspired by last week’s Spark – this one to my old and new front steps!

  1. Remember that everyone who participates by sending a poem (one or many) is entered into a drawing to win one of two Jumping Fox Design journals! Please send your poems to me at kate@katechadbourne.com by Sunday, 19 April at 5 pm. I love hearing from you!
  1. Our Poetry Spark this week is inspired by Wes McNair’s Poem, “Love Story” which is built around questions.
  1. The Dare this week will sharpen your memory. If you take me up on it, please comment here or send along a note to tell me which poem you chose.
  1. May I ask a favor? I’d be so grateful if you’d give this video a thumbs up and share it with your poetry-loving friends, and I’d be so honored if you’d subscribe to my channel. Your support and help mean the world to me. Thank you!
  1. Dear Poets, you are making this such a wonderful month. I look forwards very much to seeing you back here next Wednesday for our fourth week of the Poetry Celebration!


#NationalPoetryMonth #NationalPoetryWritingMonth #JumpingFoxDesign #Journals #WesMcNair #poetlaureate