If you’re feeling stymied or stuck in your creative life, today’s video is for you. I take a quick look at the immense challenges faced by Irish creators in the 17th and 18th centuries and then offer three empowering lessons for us from the way they navigated and ultimately overcame the immense challenges of their time.

I’d love to hear from you:

1. What is your inner Queen Elizabeth 1 saying to you and how do you “countermand” her royal proclamations?

2. What other empowering insights can we glean from this Irish example that will keep us going as creators?

It is so much fun to share in these conversations with you. Thank you, my friends, for joining in and sharing what you know!


A collection of poems from this period: An Duanaire – Poems of the Dispossessed 1600-1900, edited by Sean O’Tuama and Thomas Kinsella