Bringing Myth & Tradition to Life
Celtic tales and traditions attest that
the world is alive and shimmering with power, consciousness, and possibility.
This magical world view offers us a revitalizing clarity,
an invitation to connect with life at a deeper and more intimate level, and
To become conscious weavers of art, beauty, blessing, and magic.
Courses & Programs
World-building, World-healing, and Wisdom on the Move
The Irish Cailleach or “hag” and the bean feasa or “wise woman,” who is in many ways a human reflection of the Cailleach, are powerful sources of inspiration, strength, vitality, and wisdom. Join us this winter as we explore the tales and traditions surrounding these two powerful female figures. With laughter, creativity, and good company, we’ll conspire with the Cailleach and walk in the footsteps of the bean feasa to build and heal the world and to carry wisdom on our journeys.
This class is currently CLOSED FOR REGISTRATION. To learn more, please click HERE.
The Hearthstone of Irish Culture
Learning Irish is the kind of homecoming you’ve yearned for. You open the door to a smile of welcome, a hot pot of fascination, and a seat beside the hearth of tradition. Whether you are just beginning or looking to refresh your connection with Irish, you will find yourself right at home in this course. No tests, no grades, no stress. Instead – laughter and ease, a convivial learning community, and classes you’ll look forwards to each week. Oscail an doras agus bí linn! Open the door and join us!
This class is currently CLOSED FOR REGISTRATION. To learn more, please click HERE.
Continue Your Irish Adventure
You’ve learned a LOT so far – and you’re eager to keep going! In this intermediate course, you’ll practice what you’ve learned so far and you’ll keep going, growing in skill, confidence, and knowledge. Join us in our fun, uplifting class where everyone is glad to see you and cheer you on. Oscail an doras agus lean ar aghaidh! Open the door and keep going!
This class is currently OPEN FOR REGISTRATION. To learn more, please click HERE.
Salmon * Swan * Horse
Join us in November to learn about the Celts, some of the animals they held sacred, and most of all, about the powerful qualities you can embody when you invoke Salmon, Swan, and Horse.
Together, we will enter the creative space of the ancient Celts to create fresh magic for our lives today.
This class is currently CLOSED FOR REGISTRATION, but to learn more, please click HERE.
Self-discovery along the Bardic path
Let Celtic inspiration lead you closer to your own soul, to your delight, and to the adventure your life is calling you to embrace. Join me for a luxurious one-on-one poetry mentorship with an Irishy flavor and flair.
To learn more and register click HERE.
About You
You’re a person with a keen interest in Celtic mythology and folklore, stories and customs.
Something in you just comes to life when you encounter a Celtic story, song, or landscape.
You feel beckoned to the hearth of tradition to listen and learn – but not in a passive, academic way.
In the Celtic Wisdom School, you are eager to dance with the tales and traditions. To try them on.
Above all, you are ready to use these traditions as a springboard to access YOUR wisdom, creativity, and magic.
About Me
I’m a Harvard-trained scholar with a Ph.D. in Celtic Languages & Literatures
AND I’m a modern-day Bard – a singer, poet, storyteller, and musician.
I teach Irish language, folklore, and storytelling at Harvard
AND I teach singing, harping, piano, and poetry in my Bardic Academy.
Like me, the Celtic Wisdom School lives at the intersection of scholarship AND artistry.
Here we celebrate the AND – the weaving together of scholarship, creativity, and magic.
What Makes Us Different
We want to see the real thing.
We’re not much interested in what someone said about the thing on the internet.
We’ll listen to the informed views of scholars, yes, but we want to see for ourselves what they’re talking about: the tale, the tradition, the proverb, the calendar custom.
Here, you get the real thing: the primary source, the oral testimony, the genuine tradition.
And let me tell you, the real thing is ALIVE in a way that the second, third, and fourth-hand stuff can never be.
The real thing can change your life with its magic and meaning.
I invite you to experience the real thing and let it inspire you.
And that’s our aim and heart’s desire here in the Celtic Wisdom School:
Let Celtic wisdom inspire you to discover and energize YOUR wisdom

Stay in Touch with the Celtic Wisdom School
To stay in the loop about our latest events, offerings, and more, sign up below.
You’ll receive my monthly Kate Chadbourne letter.
It’s lovely and free, full of gifts, surprises, kindness, and inspiration.
It can make your whole day.
You’ll also receive access to my beautiful video class,
Fáilte: Five World-Changing Ways to Practice the Irish Art of Welcome.
I would love to have you with us!