A Philosophy of UP
I found a scribbled note to myself that contains a compact, effective, and encouraging philosophy. I hope it's helpful to you!
I found a scribbled note to myself that contains a compact, effective, and encouraging philosophy. I hope it's helpful to you!
You'll hear about the origin of this poem in the video and in the text below it. But for you dear readers of this blog, may I add two things: Living according to the Tao of Moi does not make you selfish. It makes you honest and honesty always serves everyone best. I'm wearing my [...]
(just found this on one of my many scraps of paper on which I capture uncategorized thoughts in the moment) True impoverishment is not being able to feel love, to be moved by beauty, to be roused in curiosity and eagerness to learn, to laugh for sheer amusement and delight (without a target), to give [...]
It's wonderful to be delighted again by the many treasures we have around us. This morning, my eye fell on the Ink Bar - my collection of bottled fountain pen inks - and I felt a thrill of luxury, fun, and gratitude. One of my favorite ways to feel could be summed up in the [...]
On my way to the Lake District in May 2019, I stayed a night in Lichfield in the English Midlands. I'd arrived there exhausted and a bit scrambled from the perilous drive north from London Gatwick, but I gathered my energies and spent the afternoon exploring the town and visiting the Cathedral. I recently came [...]
Scéal ó Shamhain go Bealtaine. A story from the first of November to the first of May. Here's inspiration to settle in for the darkest part of the year, and to light and warm it with stories. This year we can't gather in the same space, but the room of care, of listening, of [...]
Bíonn gach tosach lag. Tús maith leath na hoibre. Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí. Today, I have a little "set" of proverbs for you, all having to do with what it means to be a beginner and how we can best view that stage on the journey. These are the three proverbs I [...]
Éist le ceol na habhann agus gheobhaidh tú breac. Today's proverb is one of my very favorites, and I turn to it when I want to remind myself that all the goodness of life is available to me as soon as I get in tune with it. I call that river of sweetness, of [...]
Mair, a chapaill, agus gheobhaidh tú féar. Today's proverb encourages us to keep going, persevere, and generally hang in there. Life is kind to the consistent, to the ones who keep showing up. It may be be obvious at first, but over time, that faithfulness is rewarded. The video also stars the BIGGEST OAK [...]
Seeking a bookmark this morning I came across a small envelope I made out of paper purchased years ago in Venice. Inside I discovered a tiny piece of Lokta paper completely filled with a list of things I love: color * my eyes * cats * green places * trees * sunlight * sunsets [...]