About Kate Chadbourne

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So far Kate Chadbourne has created 181 blog entries.
21 05, 2019

Make a gentle stink

By |2019-06-08T16:23:46+00:00May 21st, 2019|Artistry, Spirit, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Make a gentle stink

I'm talking here to my fellow musicians, singers, poets, storytellers, and performers of all kinds. By "stink," I mean: ask questions, state your needs, request and require clarification. Delay assent until you receive it. Be gracious, be respectful - but make a stink. That graciousness is what makes it a "gentle stink." It's not really [...]

12 04, 2019

The Bear Trap

By |2019-06-08T16:29:51+00:00April 12th, 2019|Artistry, Spirit, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on The Bear Trap

Culture gives women a number of problems to solve, often with no true or satisfying solution. Hereโ€™s one. I am thinking today of two occasions during the last ten years when I was manhandled by cheerful, โ€œnice,โ€ married men. In each case, I was a guest in their home, invited there to share music and [...]

12 04, 2019

My New Book!

By |2019-06-08T16:20:51+00:00April 12th, 2019|Artistry, Books, Creativity, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on My New Book!

Hello, friends! Today I want to tell you about my latest book, "How to Get Gigs You Love: Money, Fun, and Opportunity for the Solo Performer." It's a soup-to-nuts guide for getting gigs you love and rocking them once you get 'em! (It is gleefully inexpensive: $4.99. Here's a link in case you want to [...]

10 03, 2019

Watch Out for Sticky

By |2019-06-06T22:04:26+00:00March 10th, 2019|Artistry, Love|Comments Off on Watch Out for Sticky

Quick tip for you awesome creators and teachers and musicians today. There's a quality I think of as "sticky" that we human beings sometimes demonstrate. It involves clinging, complication, innuendo, subtle and not so subtle manipulation. Some call it passive aggressive. I just know that it feels - well, sticky. My suggestion: get a bead [...]

6 02, 2019

Nice Surprises

By |2019-06-06T22:05:09+00:00February 6th, 2019|Books, Creativity, Learning|Comments Off on Nice Surprises

Who knew? Doing some e-research tonight, by sheer chance I came across an Irish scholar's review of an essay I wrote years ago for a festschrift for my wonderful mentor, Professor Patrick K. Ford. Professor Ford's "hound love" inspired me to write about dogs in the Finn tales (plus I've always said I'm part-dog [...]

9 01, 2019

Eschew Enslavement

By |2019-01-09T22:53:22+00:00January 9th, 2019|Love, Spirit, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Eschew Enslavement

There are many kinds. One example: Just after Christmas, I saw a person in ripped sweatpants and a stained jacket shambling along a main road in Biddeford, Maine. It was the quality of motion that caught my eye โ€“ a trudging, struggling forwards movement that conveyed resentment and defeat. And held out at a purposeful, [...]

6 01, 2019

Favorite Books I Read in 2018

By |2019-01-06T19:21:04+00:00January 6th, 2019|Books, Learning, The Bardic Life|1 Comment

Hi, friends, and Happy New Book Year! Last year I set no resolutions but chose instead to indulge one of my deepest passions: READING. I decided to let myself read as much as I liked and now, 143 books later, I can say this intention brought me great JOY and satisfaction (and that I'm continuing [...]

7 12, 2018

How “The Moon Jig” came to be – FAST

By |2018-12-16T17:14:29+00:00December 7th, 2018|Artistry, Creativity, Music, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on How “The Moon Jig” came to be – FAST

Last night I sent in the songs and artwork for my new EP, "The Moon Jig and other dances," and I wanted to tell you how it came to be because I think it's an encouraging story. If you've a mind to create something fast, no waiting - well, this is for you. Over the [...]

27 11, 2018

DO the thing

By |2018-12-16T17:17:58+00:00November 27th, 2018|Artistry, Creativity, Love, Music|Comments Off on DO the thing

Cork singer-songwriter John Spillane (pictured) writes: "On my 18th birthday I got a full-time permanent and pensionable job in Bank of Ireland, and two years later I left it to become a full-time professional musician. My mother nearly killed me. 'If you leave your good job in the bank,' says she, 'don't ever come back [...]

21 11, 2018

Give Yourself What You Need

By |2018-12-16T17:23:38+00:00November 21st, 2018|Artistry, Spirit, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Give Yourself What You Need

It's so lovely to give yourself what you need. And - to quote my big brother Dan - to do it up big. Last night I treated myself to something I've drooled over for a long time: a subscription to "Slightly Foxed: the real reader's quarterly." I first spied a copy in the amazing book-town [...]

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