About Kate Chadbourne

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So far Kate Chadbourne has created 182 blog entries.
18 11, 2019

Creative Hurts and How to Heal Them #2 – Criticism

By |2020-01-17T20:54:52+00:00November 18th, 2019|Artistry, Creativity, Learning, Love, Spirit, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Creative Hurts and How to Heal Them #2 – Criticism

Hello, friends! Here is the second video in my new series, "Creative Hurts and How to Heal Them." This one is all about that scary bugbear, CRITICISM. How do we handle it? Is there such a thing as "good" criticism? How do we put it in perspective? I also share my own story of receiving [...]

14 11, 2019

An “All is Well” Story

By |2019-11-14T19:31:34+00:00November 14th, 2019|Artistry, Creativity, Love|Comments Off on An “All is Well” Story

Just a little story today to cheer you. My mother told me that she went out for lunch recently and met a woman who, at age 90, fairly crackled with life and creative spirit. "If you lived here, you'd be friends with her for sure," she told me on the phone. Turns out, the woman's [...]

4 10, 2019

Creative Hurts and How to Heal Them – Rejection

By |2019-11-14T19:41:56+00:00October 4th, 2019|Artistry, Creativity, Learning, Love, Spirit, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Creative Hurts and How to Heal Them – Rejection

Have you ever been rejected from a festival, gig, journal, or contest - and then felt the burn and sting of that "no"? I sure have. I've just made a video with four strategies that help me deal with the rejection that is part and parcel of being an artist in the world. Happens to [...]

30 09, 2019

Play and Win!

By |2019-09-30T16:08:12+00:00September 30th, 2019|Artistry, Creativity, Learning, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Play and Win!

You've gotta play to win! This is just as true of music and poetry and art and love as it is of the lottery. And the good news is that we're a lot more likely to actually WIN in those games because the odds are always in our favor. Ask, try, submit, propose, invite, query, [...]

30 08, 2019

Word-sleuthing and -smithing, and the right tool for the job

By |2019-08-30T16:14:41+00:00August 30th, 2019|Books, Learning, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Word-sleuthing and -smithing, and the right tool for the job

The right tools for the job give us wings. They are collaborators, conspirators, co-authors and co-creators. With use, with long relationship, they become ensouled. They become more than the sum of their materials and parts. They become friends. This is true of musical instruments, brushes and paints, recording equipment, ballet shoes, and garden trowels. It's [...]

8 08, 2019

Welcome to the Harp Hospital

By |2019-08-08T19:40:12+00:00August 8th, 2019|Creativity, Love, Music, Spirit, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Welcome to the Harp Hospital

Here is my humble harp hospital - a perfect place for a lovely little harp to heal. Iโ€™ve been doing harp rehab for a friendโ€™s lap harp this week, bringing this beauty back up to pitch and teaching her to make music again. Sheโ€™s been stowed in a closet for many years, which is the [...]

29 07, 2019

Hidden Treasure in the Stacks

By |2019-08-08T20:10:27+00:00July 29th, 2019|Artistry, Creativity, Poetry, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Hidden Treasure in the Stacks

Just a bit of encouragement: every so often, go through the stacks, the piles, the shoals of unfinished work. For me, that is always bits of paper with poems scribbled on them and then put into rough cairns to be re-found, often months later. What is somewhat funny to me is that the reason I [...]

17 07, 2019

Intelligence, Quickening, and the Soul

By |2019-08-08T20:16:40+00:00July 17th, 2019|Artistry, Creativity, Learning, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Intelligence, Quickening, and the Soul

I'm passionate about the cultivation of intelligence. Nurturing it in myself and in others is one of the most thrilling things I can imagine undertaking on planet Earth. I'm writing a book about teaching and today found me gathering pieces I've written over the years. This excerpt on what I call "integrative intelligence" caught [...]

12 07, 2019

Hospitality in the Lake District

By |2019-07-12T16:17:12+00:00July 12th, 2019|Artistry, Creativity, Love, Spirit, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Hospitality in the Lake District

On my Lake District adventure, I visited a small church that boasts a beautiful stained glass window designed by Edward Burne-Jones and executed by William Morris. I was so moved by the experience and so grateful to the parishioners that I wrote this poem and sent it to them. I got word this week that [...]

28 06, 2019

A Midsummer Poem

By |2019-06-28T15:38:46+00:00June 28th, 2019|Creativity, Music, Poetry, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on A Midsummer Poem

In which I read a beautiful Midsummer poem by Irish poet, Padraic Colum. Ah, Summer and Enchantment! From a few years back. Rediscovered today as I am working on creating a multi-media presentation for "Songs of the Poets." Will share news of that soon!

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