Settle in today to listen to an Irish David and Goliath tale that extols pluck and smarts and reminds us that it’s often the small and seemingly weak that topple the great and grand, especially when they’re being tyrants and bullies. We can ALL make a difference.

I’d love to hear from you: 1. What other lessons do you find in this tale? What feels important about it? 2. In your opinion, who in the world today embodies this spirit of clever, mighty, and daring, especially in the face of bullying or oppression?


This tale is told by many tellers, but one of my most important sources is the tale collected by Michael J. Murphy from Michael Murphy in County Armagh in 1975. I also heard this tale told by the marvelous Belfast storyteller, Maggi Peirce. Is fearr bheith glic ná láidir. = It’s better to be clever than strong.