I believe what we love is who we are.

I love stories and songs, poems and laughter. I love teaching and learning. I love growth and goodness. I love apples, fountain pens, amber lamplight, walking tours, and the Sea. I’m wild about evening light in pine trees. I’m devoted to Irish language and folklore. I adore people in all their beautiful quirk. And I’m pretty much besotted with this intimate, bewildering, beloved world.

Living a Bardic Life
I believe that when we sing, tell stories, craft poetry, make music, art, jokes, light in the darkness – we create a world of warmth, connection, meaning, joy, and hope.
I love helping to create that world. I joyfully do my part by singing, playing harp & piano, making poems, telling stories, teaching, writing, performing, recording, and offering welcome, festivity, and a touch of enchantment.
I earned a PhD in Celtic Languages and Literatures from Harvard because I am in love with Irish stories, songs, language, and folklore. I teach and engage in scholarship because these things continue to enliven and delight me. I perform original and traditional songs and tales because sharing what I love brings me the keenest joy. I keep creating because the world keeps inspiring me and I feel called to respond.
In the past, when people asked me, “What are you, really?” I felt forced to choose between my scholarship and teaching on the one hand, and my music, poetry, and creating on the other.
These days, I see the wholeness in what I’ve done and what I’ve loved.
These days, I think of myself as a Bard – a descendant of those early Irish poet/storyteller/magicians.
Like them, I bring everything I love and everything I learn to everything I do.
Turns out, we don’t have to choose. Turns out, it all has a place.
My Music
Book of Your Heart – collaboration with Lauren Passarelli: indie pop-rock songs
A Celtic Blessing Year CD and companion e-book – Irish festivals and folklore in song
The Moon Jig and other dances – dance music for piano
Songs of the Poets – classic poems in English and Irish set to music for voice, piano, and harp
Well-Wishing Songs – improvised songs of blessing
The Irishy Girl – Irish traditional songs in Irish & English
Kate Chadbourne – original songs
Etaín – singer and Irish-language lyricist; collaboration with Tim Janis
My Books
A November Visit: Poems, Stories, Company
How to Get Gigs You Love – money, fun, and opportunity for the solo performer
Practice – a love affair with art & life
Kennings & Littles (poems)
Brigit’s Woven World & other poems of Ireland (poems)
The Harp-Boat (poems)
Community Projects
Well-Wishing Songs – created 80 improvised piano songs for anyone who asked
A Celtic Blessing Year – created and shared songs based on the eight major Irish festivals
April Poetry Celebration, each April 2019-2023 – annual monthlong offering of teaching, encouragement, and community
Interviews, Podcasts, and Articles about me
A video interview for Lunenburg Public Access TV about my book, A November Visit
Storytelling and conversation about Brigit, goddess and saint, with friend and former Irish student Marisa Goudy on her Knotwork Podcast
Storytelling and conversation about stories with Janelle Hardy on her Wild Elixir Podcast
Lovely article about my writing by Cheryl Cuddahy in the Sentinel and Enterprise
Read some of my poems and essays online
“A Parallel Ireland” in Smithsonian Journeys
“Tea with Witches” in Goblin Fruit
“How does he know?” in Goblin Fruit
“The Two Anns Help Me Make My Bed” in Wild Violet
“Coming Back After a Long Spell Away” in Albatross #16
“Cables” in Beloit Poetry Journal
“Take Patrick with You” on Fran Drabick-Writes It
Listen and watch
“Wizard’s Horse” on NPR All Songs Considered
Interview with Professor Patrick K. Ford, former Chair of the Department of Celtic Languages and Literatures at Harvard University
Kate at the Libby Memorial Library (video)
“Song of Protection” – a blessing song for you
“Something told the wild geese” (my setting of the poem by Rachel Field)
“Fox” – an original shape-shifting song
“An Mhaighdean Mhara” – The Mermaid (traditional Irish)
“Song of the Mad Prince” – (my setting of the poem by Walter de la Mare)
“To Dispel Loneliness” – a poem I wrote as part of a series on magic spells, incantations, and elixirs
My Official Bio
Kate Chadbourne is a singer, harper, and storyteller, an award-winning songwriter and poet, a scholar and teacher of Irish language and folklore with a PhD from Harvard, and a beloved performer at venues throughout New England. She has been honored as a “tradition bearer” in the Revels Salon series and in the Gaelic Roots Concert Series at Boston College, and her music has been featured on NPR’s programs, “Cartalk” and “All Songs Considered.”
She has released six solo CD’s, three collections of poetry, and has written two books to encourage and support artists, musicians, and creators. Named as one of “The Most Fascinating People” in Central Massachusetts by the Sentinel and Enterprise Newspaper, Kate is also the founder of The Bardic Academy, a school for writers, musicians, singers, and young scholars.
She brings to her audiences the sounds of the harp, piano, tin whistle, Irish flute, and melodeon, a deep love and knowledge of traditional Irish story, a warm and welcoming presence, and a voice often described as “the voice of an angel.”
Learn more about joining the Bardic Academy at www.bardicacademy.com and find out about CD’s, books, and upcoming performances at www.katechadbourne.com.