24 12, 2017

Happy Messes and Willing Fuss

By |2017-12-24T15:48:38+00:00December 24th, 2017|Artistry, Creativity, Love, Spirit, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Happy Messes and Willing Fuss

What kind of fuss do you love? What's your favorite mess? I think these are great and revealing questions because they point to what you REALLY love rather than to what seems like a good idea to love. All important endeavors involve mess and fuss - the physical mess of paints or sugar or potting [...]

16 12, 2017

Glamour and Grunt-Work

By |2017-12-16T15:48:11+00:00December 16th, 2017|Love, Music, Spirit, The Bardic Life|2 Comments

Here's all the gear that I hauled through the rain to the car about a week ago, then into the Groton Public Library, then back to my car, then back into the house at the end of the night. (And that's Mish sharpening his claws on the amp). The performing life is a heady mix [...]

13 12, 2017

A Songful Holiday

By |2017-12-13T19:53:42+00:00December 13th, 2017|Artistry, Creativity, Love, Music, Spirit|Comments Off on A Songful Holiday

So far, the sweetest, warmest, and brightest moments of this holiday season have taken place at the piano. Helping a student play a carol he or she loves and witnessing the moment of connection - when the music comes into the hands and heart and mind - is delicious fun, and a great privilege. All [...]

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